Your Independent candidate for the seat of Groom in the 2025 federal election.
I'm Kirstie Smolenski. I've been a registered nurse, small business owner, manager of a construction company, volunteer coordinator and mother of five children.
Last election night, the opposition leader claimed that his policies would be squarely aimed at the "forgotten Australians in the suburbs." Our community had been forgotten, and it was clear that voters didn't want to trust the solution with those who had caused the problem. As a passionate advocate for this region, I have aimed my policies at those fortunate to call this region home, those who have been forgotten. It's time for true local representation.

1. A Housing Plan for Regional Australia
- A regional housing fund will enable infrastructure—such as sewerage and drainage—to unlock more land for housing.
- Increased social housing is one of the most effective ways to curb youth crime, adult crime, and their respective recidivism rates.
- Click here for more

2. Cheaper Energy, Local Energy
- Investing in locally owned renewable power solutions allows us to leverage new job opportunities for our region while giving households freedom of choice from the price gouging of energy companies.
- Workers in industries being phased out must be trained and redeployed into our workforce at similar pay.
- Click here for more

3. Clean-Up Politics
- There are no limits on political donations - parties only have to disclose anything above $14,500.
- My donation guidelines are 1) donations from individuals only and 2) no donations (single or several added up) exceeding $2000.
- Under Australian law, it is perfectly legal to lie in a political ad. Like any other Australian, politicians should be held to the same standards in their advertising.
- Click here for more

4. Passenger Rail
- Toowoomba desperately needs a fast passenger rail service to Brisbane.
- Passenger rail is vital for tourism, economic opportunities and groups without vehicle access, such as the disabled community, the elderly, and parents with prams.
- Click here for more

5. Water Security
- Current data by the CSIRO shows that our water supply is only guaranteed until 2049.
- In conjunction with the Council’s new pipeline project, recycled water would positively impact the entire electorate.
- Click here for more

6. Protecting Our Farmers and Prime Native Land